Jacket Blurb:
In ghostly worlds, souls are the only currency. When lost lovers and ancient enemies meet, a rescue mission becomes a fight for the survival of all that is real.
Portia Gyony, Nephilim and warrior, is sworn to protect the human race. But when her ghostly lover, Imogen, has the chance to return to life in her own body once again, Portia must brave the twisted forces of the shadow-world to rescue Imogen and prevent the world of the dead from bleeding through into the land of the living.
Sara M. Harvey, you're on my list. Another cliffhanger?? I mean, you have to know that people would follow your wonderful trilogy without all the emotional torture... Right? You do know that, don't you?
Yes, Portia Gyony is back, being awesome as usual. In The Labyrinth of the Dead, Harvey goes deeper into the universe she has set up, drawing readers into the afterlife, a hellish twilight realm where the dead are no better than currency. Portia ventures there alive, like Orpheus, in an attempt to bring Imogen back to life once and for all. And, wow, does she ever take us for a ride.
I may complain about Harvey's shameless cliffhangers, but they are SO worth it. Whereas Convent, necessarily, had to spend a lot of time in set-up, Labyrinth gives us a better sense of who these characters are, and what they're capable of. We also get to see more of this mystical steampunk world, and are shown exactly what's been at stake since the first page of the first book.
So, to sum up all my rambling: this trilogy is amazing so far. Go and pick it up if you like angels or steampunk or dark fantasy or women being hardcore badasses. Then you can join me in suffering the wait for the next one.