Like the Knave of Hearts: Erotic Tales of Wonderland
Edited by J. Blackmore
ISBN: 978-1-885865-95-3
Word Count: 31,321
List Price: $5.99
Available from:
- Circlet Press
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Return to the world of wonder beyond the looking glass with this new collection. Like the Knave of Hearts seeks to answer the question, "What would Wonderland be like for grown-ups?" Dive into five luscious stories that explore the weird, the sexy, and the strange aspects of our favorite make-believe land.
At least two generations have grown up watching Disney's animated classic Alice in Wonderland. This year, with Tim Burton's live-action remake, we were all given the chance to revisit this magical place. How is Wonderland different for adults? What new experiences would we have there, all these years later?
Wonderland viewed by adult eyes is a very different place indeed, taking on a whole new dimension when elements of the erotic are introduced. The results are strange, troubling, and whimsical. This collection features five writers who were given the chance to explore the themes of adulthood and eroticism in the context of Lewis Carroll's work. The resulting stories range from deeply romantic to starkly erotic, and are far-reaching in their imaginative scope. Their visions range from the ridiculous to the deeply dangerous. These are stories of pasts revisited, imaginations awakened, and fears faced.
-*- Lily White by Morwenna Drake
-*- A World of Her Own by Alex Picchetti
-*- Tarts and Tea by Holly Abair
-*- A Wasp, a Wig, and a Wanton Woman by Gary Westfahl
-*- Wonders Wild and New by Verity Penvenen
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