The selection process for Circlet's upcoming
Elementary Erotica anthology is finally complete. The focus of this collection is steampunk Sherlock Holmes erotica. I was a little worried when I wrote the call for submissions that this theme might be a bit
too specific, but I received more than a dozen entries, and was wowed by the quality and creativity of the stories.
In the end, however, I couldn't include everyone in this book. Seven finalists made it into
Elementary Erotica, and I'd like to introduce you to them.
Louise Blaydon"The Hysteria Machine"
An avid reader of everything from New Scientist to the back of the cereal box, Louise Blaydon has been writing, encouraged by her father, ever since she could hold a pen. Her writing, like her reading, has wandered erratically from genre to genre, but has settled firmly on gay romance, to the mild bemusement of Dad. Louise also writes sporadically for various journalistic publications and has been known to print the occasional poem. She owes much of her inspiration and support these days to an amazing network of friends, whose willingness to listen to her rail against life, the universe, and everything she could not live without.
Aoife Bright"The Prophet's Eye"
Aoife Bright was always one of those children who made up stories, and also one of those who took things apart to see how they were meant to work, which means writing steampunk and fantasy was never that unexpected. Now much older, things haven't actually changed that much, as she still makes up stories and still take things apart. When not doing either of these things, she's a medieval Celticist who spends her rare free time wandering the Welsh mountains, trying new recipes, and watching the sea.
Elinor Gray"The Adventure of the Green Zeppelin"
Miss Gray is a student writing for kicks in Philadelphia, although she is currently studying abroad in Dublin, Ireland. She writes fan fiction and original fiction, both erotic and otherwise, much of which can be found at her journal. "The Adventure of the Green Zeppelin" is her first published work, but hopefully not her last.
Cornelia Grey"Emet"
Cornelia Grey is a student halfway through her creative writing degree with a penchant for fine arts and the blues. Born and raised in the hills of Northern Italy, where she collected her share of poetry and narrative prizes, she is now based in London, and she is thoroughly enjoying the cultural melting pot that is the City. Her interests vary from painting to photography, from sewing to acting; when writing, she favors surreal poems and short stories involving handsome young men seducing each other. She loves collecting people's stories and re-discovering lost tales that deserve to be told.
Kate Lear"Research"
Kate Lear is 29 years old and livs in London. In her spare time she's into reading, walking around the old parts of the city, and writing.
Peter Tupper"Songs Without Words"
Peter Tupper is a journalist and writer in Vancouver, BC. He studied history at University of British Columbia and journalism at Langara College. His publications include "The Innocent's Progress and Other Stories", a collection of steampunk erotica stories published by Circlet Press, and "21st Century Neo-Gothic" in "Inside Joss' Dollhouse", published by Benbella Smartpop. He's also the co-founder of Metro Vancouver Kink, a non-profit BDSM community organization.
Violet Vernet"Upon the Use of Electrical Vibration in the Treatment of Hysterics"
Violet Vernet is the pen name of a writer who lives in New York City.